The Northeastern Association of Forensic Scientists, Inc. (NEAFS) is a professional organization for people employed within the forensic sciences.
All applicants and members must follow the By-Laws and Code of Ethics. The application materials and fees must reach the membership chairperson by the deadlines on the Application Page.

A Regular Member of the Corporation is one who has met the minimum established qualifications and shall be entitled to receive all publications, to a vote at business meetings, and to hold office at the time of approval. See qualifications for Regular Membership here.

Any person who does not meet the requirements for Regular Membership may apply as an Associate Member. Such members shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of Regular Members except that they shall be ineligible to vote or hold office.

Students who meet the below requirements shall be entitled to the same rights and privileges of a Associate Member. They will not be eligible to vote or hold office. Student members will be permitted to attend the Annual Meeting of the Corporation for a discounted fee to be determined by the Board of Directors.
The students must:
A. Not have already been a Member or Active Applicant of the Corporation
B. Not be employed in a forensic science laboratory
C. Be enrolled at a college or university in a forensic science or related program
D. Provide proof of enrollment annually at the time dues are collected.
E. Upgrade to an Associate Member after Graduation.
See more details here.

Life Membership shall be conferred upon persons who have sustained membership for at least fifteen years including a minimum of five years as a Regular Member and, who in the opinion of of the Board and the Membership, have demonstrated continued dedication to the profession and the Corporation. Life Members shall retain all rights and privileges of Regular Members, but shall be excused from all dues and assessments.

A member may apply for emeritus status after being a full dues paying member of NEAFS for at least 10 years, have reached 55 years of age, and are retired from full-time forensic work. See requirements for Emeritus status here.